Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Is this the end? YaY!

Well this course took me a lot longer to do than I initially thought. Instead of spending a lunch time a week on this I was spending what seemed every lunch break to try and keep up. The mere mention of the word blog struck terror into the eyes of most library staff at some stage.

I feel some of the items such as RSS feeds were to involved as I doubt if i will use them again. I am also yet to be asked by a patron any question relating to a blog. Most people into blogger, myspace or facebooks work from home on their blogs. I felt at times although we need a basic understanding of a blog and what can be added to a blog we would end up spending hours on something we were not really going to use later on.

On the bright side I did learn a few things that I may use in the future. I t has not encouraged me to start blogging on a regular basis however, now when I do look at other peoples blogs I appreciate how much work and detail can go into some of them.

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