Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Is this the end? YaY!

Well this course took me a lot longer to do than I initially thought. Instead of spending a lunch time a week on this I was spending what seemed every lunch break to try and keep up. The mere mention of the word blog struck terror into the eyes of most library staff at some stage.

I feel some of the items such as RSS feeds were to involved as I doubt if i will use them again. I am also yet to be asked by a patron any question relating to a blog. Most people into blogger, myspace or facebooks work from home on their blogs. I felt at times although we need a basic understanding of a blog and what can be added to a blog we would end up spending hours on something we were not really going to use later on.

On the bright side I did learn a few things that I may use in the future. I t has not encouraged me to start blogging on a regular basis however, now when I do look at other peoples blogs I appreciate how much work and detail can go into some of them.


I feel audiobooks using mp3 would be great for libraries. Although I knew it existed I can now forward onto a patron downloadable ebooks. This will be great when students have book reviews or essays due and no Library in the area has the required text.

Although for me I would not like listening to a book through my mp3 player I feel a lot of younger people would quite enjoy listening to a book on their mp3 player and it may even encourage more reading amongt younger patrons.


Well the net really does have everything. I chose for my podcasts erotic expression stories. I have heard different podcasts before but the reason I chose this one was to prove that libraries are not prim and proper places which must remain silent. We are here to provide information and entertainment items for our patrons. Its not our job to censor. (I must admit after hearing the 18 plus warning and the tacky music though, I had heard enough)

I feel in libraries podcasts may be of use to patrons. I think that many of our sight impaired patrons would like all the available stories you can get from the net. We in a library could not afford to buy all these stories and it gives people access to items we cannot provide.

Monday, November 12, 2007


I really enjoy YouTube. I can look at it for hours. I went to a dance party last weekand sure enough footage from the actual event is on YouTube. The reason why I chose this video is I quite like it even though it is an American Library. It would be interesting to see what our library looked like if filmed in a similiar way. I guess for libraries this could allow training programs to be done on YouTube and staff following instructions by watching YouTube.

web 2.0 awards

My fave web 2.0 awards winner goes to "cocktail builder". Of all the winners I would use this the most. It allows you to construct a cocktail with the ingredients you have available. Sometimes when the fridge and cupboards are a bit bare, This would be of great help.


Well this week we learnt about Zoho and how we can store documents online. I think at times this could be handy. Mostly when I forget to do things at work I can do some things at home. Anyone with a tip for the Benders Cup?

cup eve

Bendigo Cup Day Eve!


This is the time of year where we frock up and head out.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Not as much fun as a real sandbox but then nothing ever is in cyberland.
wiki's. They sound great but I have a few concerns eg. who will be changing what, will we know who changed what, will the changer be publicly led around by a cyber scolds bridle if others don't agree with what they wikied.
Now for the positives updating lists of authors, people who write like, helping book lovers communicating. Its all got to be good.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Web 2.0, Library 2.0

Web 2.0 to me means the adaption of the internet to a more personal environment rather than the internet being about work and play. The future will mean most people will have a blog which is updated on a regular basis. The Library where I work I can see a lot of people being left behind as they have no interest at all in having the internet on a more personal level and revealing to the world on a blog about their lives and families.


I found Technorati good for finding blogs that interest me. I found the advanced search more useful because it scanned out the more commercial blogs and the advanced search had more of the basic blogs with peoples queries and answers rather than big technical jargon you may find on more commercial blogs.


So this week I was looking forward to reading Delicious Magazine however this weeks task has nothing to do with great food. I saved a few tags in my Del.icio.us. Sites that I look at for work on a regular basis.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

I thought rollyo was roll your own, what a shame I was wrong.

library thing

Just thought I'd share my book things from the library thing

Image Generators

Now I know where all those annoying e-mails come from.

Shaz and Trace Rule !!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 8, 2007

RSS= Really Silly Shazza

Guess what? RSS Feeds doesn't mean really silly shazza. You learn something new everyday and today I jumped into the world of RSS Feeds. What does it stand for? Well I am glad you asked. RSS = Really Simple Syndication. It simply means frequently updated information is easily accesible via your blog such as updated news. I subscribed to a few "work related" RSS Feeds such as ABC books, DVD'S and news updates and then I threw in a few I am more interested in such as the radio station I listen to which is BBC Radio One.

Monday, October 1, 2007


Technophobe no its not a dislike of techno muisc. I infact love it. Technophobe bascially means scared of technology. I guess I am forced to use technology through work and life and once I adapt I become comfortable with it.

It seems it was only a few years ago that a phone call from overseas from a relo or mate, was rare, quite expensive and could only be done on a landline phone. Last saturday night at 4 am on the balconey of a nightclub I recieved a call from a mate on my mobile and he is in Paris.

No doubt in a few weeks after a few drinks I will call him and sure I will grumble about the bill but we can keep in touch and all with a little device that fits in my pocket.

A spare 5 minutes.

So I set aside 5 spare minutes to check out the "more flickr fun" Well its now been 55 minutes and I am still on the sites. I think my favorite is the graffiti. I cant even draw a straight line and yet here people with spray cans can do the most amazing things to blank walls.

The flickr color pickr could keep me amused for hours the more I see the more I want to explore I am loving changing the colours.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

scary library assistant

scary librarian
Originally uploaded by lammoreaux
Let me tell you I am very scary after finally getting this picture to you (you better laugh - out loud!!!!!!!!!)
Three times it took me to get a Yahoo account , which I am sure I will use everyday ( NOT), then id was slightly confused but i overcame those troubles only to find no photo I liked was public. Hence the scary assistant.

But now it is all over I am in a Happy Place

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Weekend here we come (Friday is just a nothing day)

Thursday arvo and another day closer to the weekend!
The chocies from Reject Shop are going down quite nice! We are spying on the Safeway Bottle O with antipication what will be on the throwaway bin this week.
A good lunchbreak was spent at Fountain Lakes yesterday. Ugg boots on special so now we have pair in every colour.
Heading to the local for a 8 buck smorgasbord for tea tonight, followed by bingo( I always feel funny in the tummy afterwards).
After doing our money at Bingo its the pokes time.
I feel its my contribution to Brumby.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Here we go

Here we go
Here we go
Here we go

Here we go
Here we go
Here we goooooooo

Here we go
Here we go
Here we go

Here we goooo o o o